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Winchester Schools

Grade School


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WJH House System



Winchester Grade School has implemented a new and exciting program that promotes a culture of belonging, develops a school-wide community, and builds character. This new program was modeled after the House System developed at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Students and teachers at schools where the House System has been put in place have raved about the impact it has had on the educational experience. Children have noted such things as how it has helped them to form friendships and create closer bonds with their peers. Teachers have noted how students perform at higher levels when points are assigned and their peers are cheering them on. Currently, only Jr. High students at Winchester are involved in the House System, but over the course of the next couple years, students in all grade levels in the Winchester School District will be included in the system. Below, are some quick facts about how the House System operates:


  • At the beginning of the school year, students are randomly sorted into houses.


  • Students remain in this group until they graduate from Winchester High School.


  • Each house will be composed of every child in the school — as well as, teachers, faculty, and staff — allowing students to develop meaningful connections with one another across grades and with positive adult role models beyond just the classroom setting.


  • Throughout the year, the Houses compete against one another in a variety of competitions by accumulating House points. Individual students can also accumulate points for their House based on behavior and academic success.


  • At the end of the year, the House with the most points wins the House Championship — and all of the honor and glory that comes with it!


  • There are a total of 8 Houses at Winchester School District - Altruismo, Amistad, Isibindi, Nukumori, Onraka, Protos, Reveur, and Sollevare.


  • For more information or to see how the House System works, you can go to the Ron Clark Academy website.


Our staff members are working diligently to create an exciting and energetic atmosphere where students can learn and grow while building school and community pride and character. If you have any questions about the House System or would like to support and contribute to this exciting new program, please contact Tamaque Ator at tator@winchesterschools.net or call the school at (217)742-9551.