Welcome back!
Below is my 2020-2021 classroom schedule which will be in place during our 1:30 dismissal days for our Covid-19 Return to School Plan. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
8:00-8:10 Door Greeter for grades 3-5 students
8:10-8:50 Prep time in my classroom
8:50-9:45 6th Grade ELA
9:45-10:40 7th Grade ELA
10:40-11:00 Lunch supervision in Mrs. Davis' room
11:00-11:20 6th Grade WIN
11:20-11:40 Prep time in my classroom
11:40-12:25 8th Grade ELA
12:25-1:10 8th Grade ELA
1:10-1:25 Homeroom study hall